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2011年应用社会科学国际学术会议于3月19-20日在湖南长沙召开。我校被会议收录的科研处刘中文教授的《Emissions of Carbon-based Energy》、《The study on Accounting problems of Stock Options》,文化艺术学院张俊华副教授的《The basic requirements of tour guiding art and the method study onartistry》、《Research of the artistry of modern women's clothing matching》,经济管理学院李仕超老师的《Human Resource Play In Social Work Organization》,王雷老师的《Study of the Value Evaluation and Realistic Illumination of the Lu Merchants》、《Status Quo Survey and Countermeasure Suggestions about Objective Encouragement of the Professional Managers in Property Management Enterprises》,齐鲁国际培训学院高超老师的《Application of Scheme Theory in TELTS Listening》等8篇论文近日被中国国家图书馆科技查新中心ISSHP收录。


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