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会议的核心主题是“能源环境与低碳经济”。我校共有5篇论文被会议录用,分别是:孙秀丽教授、苗盼老师的《Comparison research of low carbon economy development mode of the large-scale coal enterprises》、孙秀丽教授的《Research on Development Status and Countermeasure of Shandong Province Low Carbon City》、刘中文教授的《Exploration for the Low-carbon Economic Development Model of Largescale Coal Enterprises Based on the SWOT Model》、董晓红副教授、于梅好老师的《Exploration and Analysis of Integrated Management Mode for Low Carbon Scenic Zones: Taking Taishan for Example》、张俊华副教授的《The Measurements of Modern Clothing Developing Based on Low Carbon》。本次会议录用的论文已经全部发表在国际期刊《Advanced Materials Research》上,并将被EI Compendex和ISTP检索。


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