1.2012年能源与环境保护国际学术会议有5篇论文被EI检索,分别是:①孙秀丽、苗盼等的论文《Comparison research of low carbon economy development mode of the large-scale coal enterprises》;②孙秀丽的论文《Research on Development Status and Countermeasure of Shandong Province Low Carbon City》;③刘中文、高朋钊的论文《Exploration for the Low-carbon Economic Development Model of Largescale Coal Enterprises Based on the SWOT Model》;④董晓红、于梅好的论文《Exploration and Analysis of Integrated Management Mode for Low Carbon Scenic Zones: Taking Taishan for Example》;⑤张俊华的论文《The Measurements of Modern Clothing Developing Based on Low Carbon》;
2.院长范素华教授有2篇论文被SCI收录,分别是:①Preparation and growth of predominantly (100)-oriented Ca0.4Sr0.6Bi4Ti4O15 thin film by rapid thermal annealing,Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 95 [6] 1889–1893;②Preparation of Ca0.4Sr0.6Bi4Ti4O15 templated thin films on NaCl (100) substrates,Journal of Ceramic Processing Research.Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 429~431;
3.2012年低碳经济与智慧景区信息化集成管理国际理论研讨会有2篇论文被EI检索,分别是:①刘中文、高朋钊的论文《Study on Development Model of Low-carbon Tourist Scenic Spot》;②张俊华等的论文《Low Carbon Research of Modern Clothing Industry in China》;
4.2012年CSSS会议有2篇论文被EI检索,分别是:①李缨的论文《Prediction of Protein Subcellular Localization Using EDA based Ensemble Classifiers》;②李缨的论文《lung Nodule Classification Using Supervised Manifold Learning Based on All-Class and Pairwise-class Feature Extraction》;
5.2012年IEEE PRESS会议有2篇论文被EI检索,分别是:①于振梅的论文《A dynamic particle swarm optimizer for educational data processing》;②于振梅的论文《Small-World based Trust Evaluation Model for Web Service》;
6.2012年The 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2012)会议有1篇论文被EI检索:杨艳春的论文《A New keyword-based similarity measuring model on peer groups in Peer-to-Peer networks》;
7.2012年IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine & Education (ITME 2012)会议有1篇论文被EI检索:杨艳春的论文《Survey on Similarity Measurement of Peers in P2P Systems》;
8.2012年IEEE Computer Society会议有1篇论文被EI检索:胡宝芳的论文《An E-learning System Based on mobile Agent》;
9.第五届教育管理与知识创新工程国际研讨会有1篇论文被EI检索,赵敬的论文《An Exploration of the Classified Incentives of College Teachers Based on Work Happiness》。
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