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2012年可持续能源与环境工程国际学术会议(ICSEEE 2012)于2012年12月29-30日在广州召开,我校有4篇论文被会议收录,发表在外文期刊《Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 291-294,Part 2》上,并被EI检索,分别是:①刘中文、高朋钊等的论文《Mode research of the coal enterprise low carbon management》;②王雷、苗盼等的论文《New Petrochemical Industry Development Path Choice under the Restriction of Low Carbon Economy in Shandong Province》、《New Iron and Steel Industry Development Path Choice under the Restriction of Low Carbon Economy in Shandong Province》;③苗盼等的论文《Study on low-carbon development status quo and countermeasures of transportation in shandong province》。

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